Page 110 - 循人中学行政手册Tsun Jin High School Administative Manual
P. 110

B45 循中“学艺竞赛表现优异奖”遴选细则

                    四、标准: (一) 操行优良(高中历年操行分数须达 75 分)。
                                           (二) 高中不能有小过以上的记录(接受销过辅导者)。
                                           (三) 学艺竞赛表现:参加校外学艺竞赛,成绩优异表现突出。
                                              (四) 需由行政老师、教研组长、高三班导师、教务处培训队顾问老师推荐。
                    六、办法:(一) 由行政老师、教研组长、高三班导师、教务处培训队顾问老师推荐。

                                             (二) 由教务处老师及校长委任一至三位行政老师共同遴选。
                                             (三) 奖项分为“杰出学艺竞赛奖”及“优秀学艺竞赛奖”两类。
                                             (四) 联课表扬大会公布得奖名单。
                    九、此细则于 2005 年 2 月 17 日第三次行政会议通过,并于 2005 年开始实施。

               B46 Rules and Regulations for Computer Laboratory
                   1.  Eating and drinking are not permitted in the Laboratory.
                   2.  Always keep the Computer Laboratory clean and tidy.
                   3.  Before entering the CAL Laboratory, students ought to queue up in two rows quietly, in
                       accordance with class number.
                   4.  No scribbling is allowed on the table.
                   5.  Students are not allowed to enter the “Chat Room” in the Laboratory.
                   6.  Teacher ought to patrol the class and give guidance to the students during lessons.
                   7.  Sufficient work load should be given to the students.
                   8.  Students are allowed to bring in exercise book and stationery only. (CD and Diskette are strictly forbidden)
                   9.  Students are not allowed to trespass the neighboring seats.
                   10. Students shall not alter the setup of laboratory computer.
                   11. Before leaving, please log off the computer programs, and remove any printouts, notes and self belongings.
                   12. Student must not install any software on the laboratory workstations.
                   13. Students are not permitted to modify the normal functioning of the workstations.
                   14. Student must not damage, abuse, deface or remove any equipment in the laboratory.
                   15. Students are not permitted to use laboratory workstations for the playing of computer games.

               B47 班级主题教学实施办法 Program PBL

                    一、 学校鼓励班级申请校外主题教学活动的开展。
                    二、  教学模式:选定某个上课天到校外适合的教学点进行学习与考察。此项学习至
                               少涵盖 2 个学科的学习领域。
                    三、  开放申请日期:开学至 9 月 30 日。

                    四 、一切申请、筹办工作由学生处理,班导师及相关科目老师督导处理过程及负责

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